
Storyteller, strategist, seasoned writer and content creator with 20+ years of corporate communications leadership experience in the San Francisco Bay technology, biotech and life sciences communities.


Storyteller, strategist, seasoned writer and content creator with 20+ years of corporate communications leadership experience in the San Francisco Bay technology, biotech and life sciences communities.

Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but words endure.

Edward Thorndike

Core skills

  • A rich and varied set of practices spanning corporate, executive, investor and employee communications, cultural transformation and change management.

  • Extensive experience advising senior leaders and directing creative campaigns to support the business objectives of technology, biotech and life science companies.

  • Knowledge that informs language conveying the relevance of scientific, medical and business-financial concepts in a manner accessible to all, from key opinion leaders to media to employees.

  • Creation of communications content including articles, essays, white papers, op-eds, press releases, social media posts, investor calls, town halls, leader blogs, video scripts.

  • Expertise in engaging audiences in times of change, and when orchestration of voice, tone and context is critical.

Corporate communications leadership experience

Vice President, Corporate Communications

Led corporate communications function for life sciences leader focused on technology powering significant research on the frontiers of human health.

MYOKARDIA (Bristol Myers Squibb)
Director, Corporate Communications

Established and led corporate and internal communications function, including global rebranding, for new public company developing novel therapies for genetic heart disease.

Executive Comms Lead, Office of the CFO

Team leader on CFO staff directing internal and executive communications for the Intuit global finance organization.

INTERMUNE (Roche/Genentech)
Director, Internal Communications

Internal communications and employee engagement leader for Genentech-acquired unit, InterMune, focused on development of therapies in pulmonology and orphan fibrotic disease.

Director, Internal Communications

Scaled communications programming and infrastructure, including Fortune 100 Best Companies submission, for fast-growing global networking company.

Senior Manager, Internal Communications

Led internal and executive communications and community affairs for parent company of Applied Biosystems and Celera Genomics.

Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.

E.B. White


Cell: +1 (510) 388 0641